Hi there 👋! I'm Lucas, technical founder at preML. We are developing turnkey machine vision solution to enable small and medium sized companies to use cutting edge vision systems for their production. Feel free to look around my personal website or read my blog. If you want to work together or get in contact, you can write me an e-mail connect with me on LinkedIn.
I'm passionate about AI be it the technical, sociological or the philosophical side of it.
I studied informatics (M.Sc.) until 2020 at the KIT, Germany with a focus on AI and robotics. After collecting several years of experience in the field of computer vision and machine learning during my studies and student work at the Fraunhofer IOSB, I founded preML with two friends in 2020. During my free time, I like to go hiking, running and mountain biking. During my travels I enjoy eating good food and drinking specialty coffee in cozy cafés.
At preML, I worked with many small and medium-sized companies to help them integrate our advanced computer vision systems into their production processes. I visited various production sites and gained valuable insights into the industry's challenges. In developing new systems, I addressed issues such as data scarcity, low-latency edge computing requirements, and the need for robust and adaptable solutions in changing environments. We also created a web-based graphical user interface to make the systems user-friendly for our customers and developed a custom Python-based computer vision pipeline.
My work at preML allowed me to enhance my software engineering skills, project management abilities, and customer communication while continuing to stay involved in programming.